A brass band instrument is an extremely versatile musical instrument that makes musical sounds by the vibration of air with a tubular resonant resonator, in accordance with the sound of the player’s lips. Brass band instruments are sometimes called Labrosones, labros and labrosos in Latin and Greek terms, alluding to the lip and mouth parts.
Brass bands, which are normally played in Latin America and Europe, are considered one of the oldest instruments ever used in music. There are three basic types of brass band instruments, all of which use a brass tube, a bell and a wind reed. These instruments are:

Different Types Of Brass Band Instruments
Bell Wind Reed – This brass band is most commonly used in flamenco music. The bell is fixed in the middle of a bell-shaped tube, and the bell ends are attached to the end of the tube. The bell will vibrate to produce a musical note when played by the player. It is a fairly common type of the brass band instruments.
Tubular Wind Reed – This is a type of brass band that is fixed on a large bell-shaped tube, that has a bell end mounted on it as well. The reeds or windings are fixed on either side of the bell, so when the bell is struck, the windings will vibrate to make a series of notes. It is used in many kinds of music ranging from classical to jazz. This particular type of brass is very popular and common. The downside of this particular type of brass is that it is extremely loud, so if you plan on playing in an enclosed area, it might not be a good choice.
Wind Reeds – This brass instrument includes a bell reed on its tube that has a wind coming from it which vibrates as the bell is struck. The reed will make notes as the bell is struck. Many brass wind instruments have a bell end mounted on them that makes different notes as they are struck.

Brass band instruments have been around for thousands of years and they were once mainly used as trumpets in marches, military bands and marching bands. But today they have come to be used in many other types of music and are found in many types of instruments such as saxophone, violin, piano, and even drums. They can be found in most styles of music. Brass instruments have a distinctive sound, and it is often very difficult to reproduce in other instruments due to their unique sound quality.