We get a lot of great emails from country fans all over the country showing us their jam sessions, telling us what they are up to, and giving us anything to do with music, country and the arts. We absolutely love everyone’s messages, pictures and videos, and we are hoping to put together a new show reel for our website, showcasing all the great country lovers out there. People are jamming out in their basements with a basement conversion, their garages, their bedroom, and even out in the streets. We love country music here, and we are so glad to have an amazing community of people that feel the same way. This post will talk about some of the great places that you can jam out with your friends and play great music all day long.

Option 1 – The Basement Conversion
A basement conversion may seem like the classic band environment, and that is because it is! For years bands have been playing in basements, and some of the best artists started out making noise in their parent basement, usually because this was the only place that they were allowed to do it. Basements are below ground so they insulate a lot of noise, and they also give you a good degree of privacy which can be good when you are starting out on your musical journey. Oh, and basements are cool, which is great when you are inviting friends (and girls) round to hang out.

Option 2 – The Garage
Some of the best bands were started in garages, there’s just something about them clearly nutures creativity. Many people have said that they used to live on the street as a famous musician, and could hear them perfecting their craft in the garage. Garages are a nice square place that perhaps don’t isolate sound quite as well as the basement, but they still keep noise levels down from the rest of the house since they are usually concreted. They bring privacy as well, and they are a good social space for having people round and banging out tunes.

Option 3 – The Bedroom Jam
Very popular amongst solo artists and smaller groups, since you don’t really have to worry as much about getting everyone in. Bedrooms are great space, however it might be a bit limiting at times. There is a reason why most people have a designated practise area, and that is because they can get into the creative zone. A bedroom is a place to relax, sleep and recharge your batteries, not exactly what an artist should be doing. But having said that, lots of people create music all the time in their bedroom, it simply depends on your work habits.

Option 4 – The Doorway
People might read this and think, what the heck? Playing out through an open doorway for the rest of the world to hear can really help you overcome stage fright and gauge people’s reactions. When you take your music out of the confines of your practise area and share it with others, it can really let you know how well it sounds and what others think.